Photo Instructions
Contestant Images & Logo Information For Video Production
The IML contest production includes large video screens that show images of you along with your sponsor logo/s. We need you to upload your contestant images and sponsor logos as part of your Application.
Because our contest venues have large screens, we need high resolution images that won’t blur or pixelate when blown up in size...this means we’ll need copies of your original image files rather than images you download from your Facebook account. You don’t need professional photographs--many of the newer mobile phones create high resolution, quality images in good lighting. Here are the specifics:
Contestant Images: Each image should be a high resolution file—this means each image should be the minimum of 300 dpi when sized at 5"x7"
Quantity Of Images Submitted. Submit 3 to 5 images. No more, no less.
Required Digital File Format. All contestant images must arrive as high resolution files (minimum 300 dpi when sized at 5"x7") in one of the following formats:
Logos: Logos must be attached as high resolution files or as vector files. NOTE: High resolution is at least 300 dpi when an image is sized at 5"x7." Acceptable logo file formats are as follows:
Legal responsibility of an IML Contestant. In submitting your contestant photos and logos, you agree to the following: I hereby understand that it is my responsibility to secure informed consent from my photographer/s for use of the photograph/s I submit as part of my IML contestant materials to IML and/or those acting under IML’s authority and that I am solely accountable for ensuring that the photographer/s who created the image/s I submitted as part of my contestant materials to IML understand that they and I hereby waive in perpetuity any rights that they or I may have to inspect or approve the finished product or products, in original or any modified format, used for IML contest video production, IML advertising copy or any other IML-related matter or media that may use or may apply the image/s, including broadcast, now and in perpetuity. I also affirm that it is understood that neither my photographer nor I will receive any type of payment from IML or any person acting under IML’s authority for use of the contestant images that I submitted as part of my IML contestant application materials.
Translation: get your photographer’s permission before you send us their image of you!